Year-long Exploring Spirituality Course!

Join Raven in this deep exploration of spirituality. Whether you are just starting or want to deepen your practice, this course is designed to help you connect with your path to spiritual growth!

This class will meet in person on the third Sunday of every month, at 2:00 PM at The Wyld Magick Center in Rock Hill:

2210 India Hook Road, #105
Rock Hill, SC 29732

Due to the group nature of this course, sign-ups will NOT be accepted after Friday, 01/19/2024. This class will be limited to 10 seats!

Course Curriculum

January - 1/21/24

  • Build your Path with Nature
  • Grounding
  • Shamanic Journey
  • Basics of Animism
  • Animal Totems
  • The Wheel of the Year: The Sabbats
  • The Wheel of the Year: Imbolc

February - 02/18/24

  • Tools of Magick & Consecration
  • Your Altar
  • Smoke Cleansing
  • Ethics of Magick
  • Crystals Basics
  • Crystal Grids and More
  • Magick of Colors
  • Honoring Altars

March - 03/10/24

  • The Wheel of the Year: The Sabbats
  • The Wheel of the Year: Ostara
  • The Directions
  • Sacred Space & The Magick Circle
  • Raising Energy
  • Ceremony vs. Spells
  • The 4 Elements

April - 04/21/24

  • The Wheel of the Year:  Beltane
  • The Moon Cycle/Living by the Moon
  • Moon Magick
  • Astrology Basics
  • Magick Timing
  • The Four Elements

May - 05/19/24

  • Elements of Ceremony
  • The Power of the Spoken Word
  • The Power of Sound
  • Vibration and Resonance
  • Magical Self-Care & The Chakras
  • The Tools of Sound
  • Healing with Vibration

June - 06/09/24

  • The Wheel of the Year:  Midsummer
  • The Higher Self & The Ego
  • Shadow Work
  • Using Incense and Oils in Ceremony
  • Baths and Portable Magick
  • Planets and Magick
  • Tools of Spellcasting
  • The Spellcasting Pyramid
  • Candle Magick

July - 07/14/24

  • The Doctrine of Signatures
  • The Magick of Herbs
  • Herbal creations in Magick
  • Connecting with Plant Spirits
  • Creating Tinctures and Infused Oils
  • Creating Potions and Teas
  • Essential Oils and Magick

August - 08/11/24

  • The Wheel of the Year: Lughnadsadh
  • The Power of the Written Word
  • Introduction to Working with Spirits
  • Evocation and Invocation
  • Shielding
  • Warding and other Protection Magick
  • Advanced Magick: 3, 7, and 21-day Spells

September - 09/15/24

  • The Wheel of the Year: Mabon
  • Working with Deity & Other Spirits
  • Cultural Mythologies and Cultural Appropriation
  • Advanced Magick: Binding and Reversals
  • Advanced Magick: Cord Removal
  • Advanced Magic: Talismans and Amulets

October - 10/13/24

  • The Wheel of the Year: Samhain
  • Working with Ancestors
  • Your Ancestral Altar
  • The Mighty Dead & Necromancy Basics
  • Advanced Divination: Scrying: Smoke, Mirror, Fire and Candle
  • Creating a Sacred Fire

November - 11/17/24

  • Cemeteries and Crossroads (Field Trip)
  • Your Spirit Helper Team
  • Sigil Magick

December - 12/15/24

  • The Wheel of the Year: Yule
  • Advanced Magick: Portable Magick
  • Advanced Magick: Lifting Curses and Hexes
  • Advanced Magick: The Mirror Box
  • Spell Weaving on behalf of others
  • Growing in your Path

We will meet for 4-6 hours each time. These in-person meetings will include teachings, ceremonies, meditation, and spiritual exploration!

Check the classroom for details on materials that will be needed.

This bundle includes:

  • Meditation Basics Webinar

    $65 Value

    Learn the basics of meditation! This webinar teaches you how to meditate if you have never done it, and it includes bonus meditations for contacting your ancestors, chakra balancing, meeting your higher self, body scanning, and more!

  • Creating Sacred Space Webinar

    $65 Value

    In this webinar, you will learn how to create sacred spaces for your practice. Everything from honoring altars, working altars, creative spaces, meditation zones, Lara shrines, and much more!

  • Year-long Monthly in-person sessions

    $999 Value

    This class will meet monthly at the Wyld Magick Center to explore your deep and personal connection to spirituality. You will forge your path, be supported by the community, and be mentored every step of the way!

Get on the Waiting list for the 2025 Class!

Our 2024 class registration has closed! If you want to get on the wait list for the 2025 class, please email us below